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EAC/BE HWID Spoofer General Errors/Issues


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0xC0906 & 0xC0FF0004 = Disable Windows Defender/Anti-virus.
0xD00003 & C000009A = Reinstall Windows/Restart PC. 0xFF033 = Reboot PC.
0xC0FF0001 = Something blocking driver (Anti-virus/Anti-ch3at, etc).
0xC0000603 = Certificate Error (Disable block list in Windows Defender Settings)
0xC000004E = Disable Core Isolation/Memory integrity (In Windows Settings).
0xC0000428 = Something blocking driver (Anti-virus/Anti-ch3at, etc).
0xC0000022 = Disable ESET & Windows Defender + Disable hardware virtualization + Disable Memory Integrity

MAC Address not changing = Use TMAC

Failed to verify if this windows version is supported = Restart pc

XamlParseException: Set property 'System.Windows.Setter.Property' threw an exception. = Install .NET 4.8 runtime (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net48)

If you just get
Failed communication with kernal components with no error code attached, make sure you are using the correct spoofer build for your Windows version.

If Graphics Adapter spoofing fails and you are using a NVIDA graphics card
, make sure you are the latest drivers.

There aren't any builds available for your computer at this moment... You are on a Windows version that we don't support. Make sure you are running a Windows Pro/Home version. This may also be the case if a recent Windows update was released which requires you to downgrade if you upgraded to it.

WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 11 Users) = Disable Virtual Machine Platform in Windows Features

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