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Zenyx External + Spoofer Error/BSOD Fixes


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Download windows remover here https://mega.nz/folder/6ARCCRII#uenmpWNGksOP63b2b8Gwmg

Memory management BSOD: windows protections is still enabled. Turn off using windows remover. If the BSOD continues, check for any third-party anti-viruses on your pc. 

DPV Violation Error: press options + N in windows remover.

KMODE_EXCEPTION_COULDNT_HANLDE Error: use windows remover and options + N

MUST_SUCCEED_POOL_EMPTY Error: you double injected it, which makes the RAM can't handle it. Restart PC. 

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Error: remove windows defender, anti-virus apps or kernel DMA.

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